—— 获奖作品及获奖者 ——
EMPHASIS摄影大赛的获奖者是Biswabiplab Singh,他的获奖作品主题是“Plants Prior to Phenotyping”,描绘了印度农业研究所Nanaji Deshmukh植物表型学中心里面静待表型分析的植物。Biswabiplab Singh是印度农业研究所(IARI)的博士生,从事小麦复杂性状的高通量表型和基因组学研究,喜欢冒险旅行和摄影。Biswabiplab Singh将获得LemnaTec和DPPN赞助的Sony Alpha 7Ⅲ相机套装。
获奖作品“Plants Prior to Phenotyping”
获奖者Biswabiplab Singh及奖品
—— 获奖作品的评委评语 ——
"The photographer has captured an interesting motif that everyone immediately associates with research. The evening atmosphere is aesthetically pleasing, the air-conditioned greenhouse demonstrates the technical commitment, but given the plant pots set up outdoors, it is also clear that different plant species are directly exposed to the climatic conditions. Another aspect that ultimately tipped the scales in favour of this picture: The storm clouds are brewing in the background expressing an almost symbolic urgency in the face of climate change (背景中正在酝酿的风暴云, 表达了面对气候变化的一种几乎象征性的紧迫感). But there are also silver linings." By Gero von der Stein (Klaus Tschira Foundation), judge of the competition.
—— 部分其他入围作品展示 ——
Dawn in the FIP field | Credit: Andreas Hund
Life of a Ph.D student during the pandemic | Credit: Biswabiplab Singh
Crystal ball gazing into the future of Plant Phenomics | Credit: Angelo Petrozza
Light show in the DroughtSpotter greenhouse | Credit: Andreas Eckert
View from the FIP control room | Credit: Andreas Hund
Prototype of High-throughput screening (HTS) modular system | Credit: Giovanni Rallo
United colours of grains | Credit: Marina Tikhonova
Plant Phenomics in the time of COVID #2 | Credit: Angelo Petrozza
The future is here | Credit: Sudip Maiti
LemnaTec是世界领先的植物表型和高通量筛选领域的硬件和软件系统专家,其表型技术在科学研究、生物经济以及农产品的开发和质量控制方面,引起了科研工作者、育种公司等不同领域用户的极大兴趣。LemnaTec为Corteva,BASF、杜邦先锋和拜耳作物科学等工业企业以及例如法国农科院、英国洛桑研究所、德国IPK、澳大利亚植物功能基因组中心等众多国际研究机构和大学提供定制解决方案。LemnaTec现为国际光电子行业巨头Nynomic AG的子公司,作为第七支柱整合到该集团中,使得LemnaTec的业务运营进入一个新的高增长时期。